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We are the only directory designed for Lawyers that have a Drug Crimes Practice.



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Before you start to fill out the form below, I would like to ask you a question.


Q: What is the difference between a lemon you bought at Stop and Shop and a lemon you bought at King Kullen?

A: The answer is nothing. A lemon is just a lemon no matter where you bought it. They look the same and they taste the same.

That same logic can be applied to Web Marketing as well.  How can a person who is looking for a qualified drug crime lawyer make a decision which lawyer is best for them based on a free listing? They can’t!  A Free listing is better than nothing, and it will get you some exposure, but a Premium Listing is by far the Best Buy.  Savvy lawyers get the Premium listing because it allows them to differentiate their listing from the competition, and it has enough information for a prospective client to make a very informed decision.


See for yourself.  This is a Free Listing

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Now you tell me, which one gives you more information. Of course it’s the Premium Listing, and it even contains more of your information on your profile page, which is another part of a Premium Listing. To see what a Profile Page looks like click on the Premium graphic above.



^^ All active Premium Members of in good standing will also be eligible to sign-up and use the services of “Tickets at Work”.  Tickets at Work is the leading Corporate Entertainment Benefits provider, offering exclusive discounts, special offers and access to preferred seating and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, movie tickets, hotels and much more. Click here to see their Amazing Offers.

The savings alone is more than the cost of a Premium membership.


^^^ All active Premium Members of in good standing with a minimum of 3 purchased locations will receive a website badge.  Badged members are displayed higher in our listings, than those without badges or Free listings. Badges will be displayed in your listings and they also need to be placed on the lawyers website, using supplied code that cannot be modified.

Badge for William Smith for 2019

Another Service Directories Site: Golden Retrievers Rule